Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Career Ready Certificate For Veterans

Click on the picture to see a full view

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stained Glass Class

This summer, stained glass class students explored principles and practical applications of the skills needed to properly handle stained glass.

The teacher, Gretchen Dehart, taught the basics of craft and color interaction. Students also learned copper foil techniques and were introduced to lead came techniques

The following photos are the finished product of the work in class. More artwork will be displayed in the CCV St Albans lobby as they are finished. Be sure to come soon as the students will take their work home at the end of the semester!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Service Learning

Want to make a difference while earning college credit?

Service learning is a teaching approach that combines what is learned in the classroom with real- world experiences. Students engaged in service learning literally “learn by doing” and use the community and their experience as a “live textbook” for the class – another powerful source of information to complement course readings, lectures, and discussions.

Service learning allows students to increase understanding of class topics, gain hands-on experiences and network with members of the community. Students who have been a part of often feel a great sense of satisfaction – not only have they learned new information, gained new skills and met new people, but they have also provided a service to the community.

Ask your academic advisor about Service Learning today!
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